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North Rabun Customs

A Cup Of Coffee & A Vision

Updated: Jul 8, 2019

I've always enjoyed waking up just before daylight to enjoy my first cup of coffee; on the patio, as the sun rises on a warm summers' day. Before the business of the day begins, it is the best time of the day to have a chat with out Heavenly Father. But this particular morning was different. It was exciting and supernatural, you could say. As I sat with my cup of coffee, looking in this direction, a vision of the future began to play on the screen of my imagination. I saw all of these different building materials flying in from different areas of our property; the antique shower doors from when we remodeled my father's and grandmother's homes came from behind our shop - an aluminum storm door, windows & galvanized framing came down from up on the mountain; the cedar shakes came out from my storage building and it all began assembling itself before my eyes and as I watched this in amazement I heard these words, as if they were spoken to me audibly, saying "You already have everything to build it!"

This moment was one of many encounters and a very powerful paradigm shift for me as anytime the veil is torn and you can see or hear into another dimension, it is life that is changing in so many ways - and so it did. I was very excited about this new project that was introduced to me and during the day my best friend Kevin, a journeyman carpenter, and I looked over the materials that were laying neglected here and there on our property and determined we did in fact have everything needed - except the pressure treated 4 x 4 base & permanent greenhouse roofing. Although we did have many rolls of 6 mil plastic & that was what we used for two years for the roofing. It worked well as I would use 3 layers all at once with a layer of green bubble wrap sandwiched between the layers for extra R value. So there it sits looking just as I saw it early that morning and so my new journey began and this blog will chronicle the process of our DIY Greenhouse journey and evolution of ours into what we now offer as the Heavenly Garden Oasis' (and there's good reason for the name) - Stay Tuned . . .

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